What to Celebrate July 23 thru 29 2018


Celebration Ideas for July 23 - 29, 2018

July Celebrations
Celebration Ideas for July 23 – 29, 2018



Oh yeah. Summer’s chugging along, and it’s doing it with or without you. Summer doesn’t care how (or even if) you’re enjoying its heat, humidity, mosquitoes, or whatever else the season is bringing where you are.

It’s all up to you to make the most (and best) of it.

And that means making every day special. Even if it’s only for a few moments each day.

And we’re here with ideas to help you do just that. Fun, serious, and delicious days await you.

So yes, we invite you once again to take a peek and plan your week. And never forget to …



Celebrate for the rest of July

July may be winding down, but the month-long celebrations are still going strong. You still have plenty of time to hit the road and/or evaluate your outdoor water use. And mid-week begins a 4-week celebration of knives and outdoor gear giveaways.

Women’s Motorcycle Month: Women riders, make the time to get out there and ride! And encourage other women to experience the rush. Get inspired by the cross-country ride by 2 women back in 1915.

Smart Irrigation Month: Use water efficiently around your lawn & garden. The environment and your wallet will thank you.

And this one gets started here near the end of July and then runs into late August.

Day of the Knife Days (July 25 – August 22): Day of the Knife is actually August 22, celebrating that most useful tool, the knife. But starting on July 25 Cabela’s and Buck Knives want your knife stories and pictures. And they’ll be giving away knives and outdoor gear.


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Weekly Celebrations for July’s 4th Week

Well, 2 of these aren’t really week-long. More like long weekend. But they still look like fun.

The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) (July 22 – 28): Yes, this is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a 7-day ride across Iowa. It’s too late to register for the whole ride, but day rides might (or might not) still be available. It began in 1976 when 2 columnists from the Des Moines Register decided to ride across the state. The paper still coordinates the ride which now attracts people from around the world.

The Great Texas Mosquito Festival (July 26 – 28): In case you didn’t already know it, this proves it: Texans are crazy! Celebrating mosquitoes. Who does that?! Apparently the folks in Clute, Texas and their mascot, the 26-foot tall, cowboy hat-wearing mosquito known as Willie-Man-Chew. You’re gonna need a big swatter …

Gilroy Garlic Festival (July 27 – 29): Garlic lovers from across the country and around the world converge on Gilroy, CA for 3 days of garlicky food, live music, arts & crafts, and much more.


Celebration Days coming up for July 23 thru July 29

This week includes more deliciousness, from comfort foods like lasagna & chili dogs to sweet treats like ice cream (vanilla only!) and milk chocolate.

We also have silly days for doing things like taking your houseplants for a walk. Or telling old jokes.

And there’s some serious days to help make the world, or at least your little corner of it, a better place. How? By raising your voice for peace. Or hiring a veteran.

There’s plenty more to choose from as well. You’re sure to find something to help you make the upcoming week a fun-tastic one!


July 23:

Vanilla Ice Cream Day: Celebrate the most popular, and not at all boring, ice cream flavor. Vanilla ice cream is perfect all on its own. But when you add toppings (or use it as a topping) it becomes sublime.

Gorgeous Grandma Day: If you have (or are) a gorgeous grandma, celebrate her (yourself) on this day. The how gets to be up to grandma … either pamper grandma all day or let her spoil all the grandkids (no matter how old) all day. Or at least for a few hours, ‘cause gorgeous grandmas just might have other plans! ;)

Hot Enough For Ya Day: Somehow the question of if it’s “hot enough for ya” never seems to go out of style. So for this day we embrace it.


July 24:

National Drive Thru Day: Celebrate this day by using drive thrus wherever you can. Meals, banking, coffee, etc. If you decide to elope today, you might even consider a drive-thru wedding! (Ok, probably not, but they do exist).

National Tequila Day: After a long day of visiting drive thrus, kick back and relax with a shot of tequila or your favorite tequila cocktail. Cheers! Did you know Mexico (the birthplace of tequila!) only just, this year, proclaimed a National Tequila Day for the country? Mexico’s National Tequila Day will be the 3rd Saturday in March, starting in 2019.

National Tell an Old Joke Day: This is the day to tell those old jokes everybody’s heard but somebody always thinks are still funny. And sometimes they still are. Although probably not this one: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.


July 25:

National Hire a Veteran Day: Veterans offer employers lots of value, but many find it hard to find work after returning to civilian life. Hire our Heroes aims to change that. Its Virtual Job Fair for veterans brings vets & potential employers together in a live, virtual environment.

Red Shoe Day: A day of remembrance for those lost to Lyme disease and other “invisible” illnesses. It started to commemorate the passing of Theda Myint on July 25, 2013, and the 1st Red Shoe Day was the following year on July 25, 2014. (Note: this Red Shoe Day is different from the Ronald McDonald Charities Red Shoe Day fundraiser).

National Merry-Go-Round Day: Also called National Carousel Day, it commemorates the day William Schneider received the 1st US patent for the modern carousel in 1871.


July 26:

One Voice Day: A day to raise your voice for peace. That’s a valid use of your voice on any day. But on this day the creators ask that you read the Universal Peace Covenant at 6 pm UTC.

National BagelFest Day: This day celebrates BagelFest, which apparently isn’t necessarily on this day. In fact it’s 5 days of celebrating bagels in an Illinois town called Mattoon. We’re not sure if you can celebrate bagels on BagelFest Day or if you can only celebrate the celebration of bagels …

National Chili Dog Day: Now this days a bit easier to understand than BagelFest Day. On National Chili Dog Day you eat chili dogs! No other kind of hot dog is allowed. No Chicago dogs or cheese dogs (although you are allowed cheese on your chili dog). No corn dogs, bagel dogs, or any other variation, either. Just enjoy a good ol’ chili dog (or even 2).


July 27:

Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day: This fun idea from Tom & Ruth Roy of Wellcat.com is really just about making sure you give your plants proper care. But if you don’t mind looking silly, take a plant or two (or a wagon-full!) for a walk around the block.

National Walk on Stilts Day: We’re not sure this is such a good idea … some of us are barely coordinated enough to walk without stilts! But if you can do it, then today’s the day to do it! Maybe even take your plants for a walk while wearing stilts?

Barbie in a Blender Day: It celebrates the court case between Mattel (owner of Barbie) and photographer Tom Forsythe. Mr. Forsythe had created a series of photos of Barbie being “processed” in various kitchen appliances. Mattel sued him for copyright infringement and lost.


July 28:

National Day of the Cowboy: Celebrating the American cowboy. See if there are any events for the day near you.

Buffalo Soldiers Day: Commemorate the creation of the 1st regular Army regiments made up entirely of African-American men in 1866.

National Milk Chocolate Day: For this day you must indulge in milk chocolate. No dark or semi-sweet allowed. But additives (nuts, raisins, etc) are fine. Enjoy!


July 29:

National Lasagna Day: Mmmmm … lasagna. You must eat lasagna at least once for this day. Make it meaty or fill it with seasonal veggies, replace noodles with zucchini strips, use mozzarella or Parmesan (or both!) … it doesn’t matter. Just eat lasagna!

National Chicken Wing Day: If you love chicken wings (and who doesn’t?) have a feast on this day! And thank former Buffalo, NY mayor Stan Makowski, who proclaimed the day back in 1977. Yum!

International Tiger Day: Also called Global Tiger Day, this day helps raise awareness for tiger conservation. The day started back in 2010, and the tigers still need our help. Only a few thousand remain in the wild.


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