Celebrate International Country Music Day Every September 17


International Country Music Day - September 17

September 17 is International Country Music Day
(Created with fonts & graphics from Creative Fabrica, TheHungryJPEG, & DesignBundles)


September 17 is for country music lovers the world over. It’s International Country Music Day.

A day for steel guitars and line dancing. And of course songs about heartbreak, pickup trucks, and America.

And let’s not forget the cowboy boots and hat, always worn with jeans (or a denim skirt)!

There seems to be two versions of when this day was founded. One says it was created in the 1950s. The International Country Music Day Organization blog says it was founded in 2003. Which one’s right? We have no clue. But that’s not going to stop us from celebrating!

In both versions the goal of the day is to bring together country music lovers (artists and fans) all over the world. And also bring new fans to the country music fold.

The date, September 17, commemorates the birth of Hank Williams, one of the most influential country music artists of the 20th century.

In the US we love our country music (and our country), so we have two country music days. We also celebrate National Country Music Day on July 4.


A Snippet of Country Music Trivia

Country music was born and grew up in the southern and eastern United States. In the 1920s artists began combining folk music with other styles to create this unique new sound.

The undisputed home of country music is Nashville, Tennessee.

Although love and heartbreak are common in today’s country music, in the early years singers focused more on daily life and its struggles.

“Country” music actually encompasses several different sub-genres. This includes bluegrass, country rock and honky-tonk, among others.

Scroll down for some ideas on celebrating this unofficial musical holiday.


Ideas For Celebrating International Country Music Day

Listen to your favorite country music songs and/or artists.

Never listened to country music? Try it just for one day. You might just find your new favorite artist! If you’re not sure where to start, have a country-loving friend help you out. (Yes, you most likely know at least one country music lover).

Find a live act near you to attend. Country bars in your area should be celebrating!

Do you line dance? See if there’s a competition near you to enter. Or just join the line dancing at the bar (you know there’ll be line dancing!).  🤠

You could also have yourself a country music party. Invite your friends and create a playlist of everybody’s favorite country songs. Include new and old music.

For a bit more fun, ask everybody to dress as their favorite country artist. Consider making it a contest and having a prize for best costume.

Do you have other ideas for celebrating International Country Music Day?


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2 Responses so far.

  1. […] International Country Music Day: Celebrate Hank Williams’ birthday with your favorite country music. Preferably some Hank, but any country music will do! […]

  2. […] International Country Music Day: Country music lovers around the world will be spending this day the same way they spend every other day: listening to country music! But maybe consider introducing country music to friends who (mistakenly think they) don’t like country music? And if you (mistakenly think you) don’t like country music, try it again; you probably just haven’t found an artist you like. […]

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