What to Celebrate March 18 to 24, 2019


Celebration Ideas for March 4 - 10, 2019

March Celebrations
Celebration Ideas for March 4 – 10, 2019


Well March is half-way over. But the opportunities to celebrate never end!

And next week offers another dose of deliciousness. Along with some silliness and some happiness. Plus some awkwardness and some forgiveness. (And depending on the situation, sometimes forgiveness can feel a bit awkward).

Whether you’re looking for good food, good fun, or something serious we’ve got you covered.

So come on. Take a peek and plan your week. And as always …



Celebrate for the rest of March

Well, we’re not sure about you, but around here yesterday was definitely making a case for March as Umbrella Month.

It was not making it easy to celebrate Mirth Month. But it was a good day to stay in & cook up some ideas. Sadly we did not cook up any noodles to go with those ideas …

National Umbrella Month: In March we celebrate the oh-so-useful and often underappreciated umbrella! Now you might think April would make more sense for this celebration … You know, April showers & all that. But maybe it makes more sense to use March to make sure you have a good, sturdy umbrella to prepare for the April rains. Did you know umbrellas in some form have existed for more than 4,000 years?!

National Noodle Month: Enjoy noodles in all forms for the rest of the month. Here are some recipes to consider.

International Ideas Month: Come up with some ideas this month! Ok, you probably have ideas every day. Some great, others pretty mediocre or even just plain bad. But everything humans have created started with an idea. The key is to have a plan to get your ideas from concept to reality. And of course it helps if the world is ready for your idea! Read more about ideas here.

International Mirth Month: Although we know the celebrations aren’t related, mirth can certainly help cushion failed ideas! In fact, finding amusement in life’s little challenges is a good skill to develop. And this seems to be the month to start. So let’s spend March being mirthful!


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Weekly Celebrations for March’s 3rd Full Week

This week we keep ourselves and our pets safe from poisons and fix some leaks. And as a reward for our hard work we get to enjoy some folktales. (What, that’s not the reward you were expecting? ;) )

World Folktales and Fables Week (March 17 – 23, 2019): Contemplate the lessons in folktales & fables. Reread your favorites. Discover new ones. And share them with your kids if you haven’t already. But don’t worry if you don’t have kids: The stories are often simple, but the messages aren’t. And they apply to us all.

Fix a Leak Week (March 18 – 24, 2019): This is the week to find & fix any leaks in your home causing you to waste water (and thus pay more on your water bill!). If you already know about a leak but just haven’t “gotten around” to fixing it yet, start there. The satisfaction of stopping that leak can motivate you to hunt down any others. And then fix ‘em!

National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week (March 17 – 23, 2019): Learn how to keep your family safe from poisons, both from accidental exposure and intentional abuse.

National Animal Poison Prevention Week (March 17 – 23, 2019): It only makes sense to include your pets in your poison prevention plans. A lot of child-proofing tactics work to prevent harm to your pets too. So even if your only “children” are the furry kind, think about what child-proofing steps can help keep them safe. Also learn what human foods & dietary supplements are actually dangerous for your animals.


Celebration Days coming up for Mar. 18 thru Mar. 24

Of course Spring arrives late afternoon on the 20th (Whoo-hoo!), but that’s far from the only thing to celebrate this week.

There’s forgiveness, happiness, and goofing off. Also nurses and social work. And we can’t forget awkward moments or the day we barely missed getting hit by an asteroid! Speaking of awkward: We didn’t even know about that near miss ‘til it was over …

Of course there’s lots of deliciousness to enjoy. From sloppy joes and ravioli to French bread and chocolate caramel. Plus much more.

So we’re sure you can agree it’s shaping up to be another fun-tastic week!


March 18:

Forgive Mom and Dad Day: Forgiveness can be hard. But it also often helps you more than those you forgive. So it’s a good thing all around. March 18 is the day to forgive your parents for whatever shortcomings they had.

National Awkward Moments Day: Look back at the awkward moments you’ve had in your life & recognize the humor in them. Now you probably didn’t find it funny when you called your boss the wrong name, tripped in front of the person you liked, or spent an entire evening with food in your teeth. But now that you know the world didn’t end, hopefully you can laugh at them all!

National Sloppy Joe Day: We haven’t seen sloppy joes much lately (haven’t had one either!), but these simple, messy sandwiches were once quite popular! So get nostalgic and whip up some sloppy joes in honor of this day. If you’ve never made it, try this recipe. It includes the basic recipe plus 4 variations you can try.

National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day: Now don’t confuse this day with Oatmeal Cookie Day! That’s in April. This day is about a thinner, crisper oatmeal cookie. They’re insanely simple to make, so use your favorite recipe or try this one.


March 19:

National Chocolate Caramel Day: On this sweet day indulge in the taste sensation that is chocolate & caramel. How can you go wrong? (Hint: You can’t!).

National Poultry Day: Get creative with poultry for this day. While chicken & turkey are always good, mix it up with some quail or duck in honor of the day! If you have your own chickens, give them a treat & thank them for the food they provide. If you’ve been thinking of getting chickens, this might be the day to do it (as long as you’ve checked it’s allowed where you live!).

Certified Nurses Day: On this day we honor Margretta Madden Styles, an early leader in nursing certification on her birthday. And of course, all the certified nurses who have chosen excellence in getting certified.

World Social Work Day: Celebrate the social workers who contribute to a better society, in part by helping us strengthen our relationships with each other and the world.

National Let’s Laugh Day: For this day you must laugh! At yourself, with others (not at others, please), at the absurdity of life, or whatever situations you are able to find humor in. Because we can all use more laughter in our lives!


March 20:

International Day of Happiness: Be happy and spread happiness wherever you go. Yes, celebrating this day really is as simple as that. And as hard as that at the same time!

MeatOut Day: Go vegan for a day! It’s really not that hard. Lots of vegan foods are quite tasty. So try it. Even if you have no intention of becoming vegan or even vegetarian, you still might decide to eat less meat overall.

National Ravioli Day: Enjoy tender pockets of pasta filled with cheese and whatever else your heart desires. If you’re also celebrating MeatOut Day consider this mushroom ravioli recipe; you won’t even miss the meat! (Technically the butter makes this dish vegetarian, not vegan. So you may need to modify your sauce if you’re serious about going vegan).

Kick Butts Day: Pledge to kick the tobacco habit on this day. Already started quitting? Pledge to not give up! Already quit (or never started)? Help raise awareness and/or help others quit. See if there are any events near you here.


March 21:

World Down Syndrome Day: Learn about and help spread understanding of down syndrome. Because people with this condition are not weird. They’re just regular people with some unique challenges.

National Healthy Fats Day: This day began just last year. And it may not be quite what you expect. It’s not promoting olive oil & other plant-based fats. It’s promoting the traditional, minimally processed animal fats—think tallow & goose fat—as alternatives to highly processed, lab-created trans fats & other substitutes.

National French Bread Day: Pick up a loaf of French bread to serve with dinner. The thin, crusty baguette goes perfect with a nice salad. Or any other meal really! If you have time to make it yourself it’s even better! Try this simple recipe.


March 22:

National Goof Off Day: Do as the name says and goof off for this day! Fuel your goofing off with Bavarian crepes. And, well, talking like William Shatner just pairs perfectly with this day!

National Bavarian Crepes Day: Make crepes for breakfast. Or dinner. Or even dessert. It really doesn’t matter. Just adjust your filling to suit the meal. Here’s a recipe for the basic crepe (really just a thin pancake). And here are some ideas for fillings.

Talk Like William Shatner Day: Forget talking like a pirate. Instead take … a whole DAY totalklike the … one … theonly … WILLIAM … Shatner. Hmmm … typing like William Shatner doesn’t work so well. But you get the idea! Right?


March 23:

National Puppy Day: Puppies! Celebrate them for this day. But not puppy mill puppies or pet store puppies (which usually are puppy mill puppies). Instead, check out your local shelters for puppies to celebrate and adopt.

Near Miss Day: Back in 1989 a pretty big asteroid (4581 Asclepius) just barely missed hitting the earth. It passed within 425,000 miles (really close in space terms) of us on March 22-23. And we didn’t even know about it until March 31! So now we celebrate our continued existence on March 23 each year.

National Tamale Day: Every day is better with tamales! So make or buy your favorites to enjoy for this day. Can you believe this day was only created in 2014? Why’d it take so long?!

National Chia Day: Chia seeds are packed with fiber, antioxidants, potassium, and other good-for-you stuff. And you can add these little seeds to pretty much anything to make every meal more nutritious. But especially on this day you must find new ways to use chia seeds!


March 24:

National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day: Celebrate yet another delightful chocolate combo, this time with raisins! These little taste sensations make a wonderful (and good-for-you) snack. So enjoy without guilt!

World Tuberculosis Day: Commemorate the discovery of the bacterium that causes TB. And help raise awareness of this deadly but preventable disease. Together we can end TB.


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